Cosplayer Highlight: Cowbutt Crunchies
Text Written by Cowbutt Crunchies
Article edited by Aesthel
Photo Credit: Sam Saturn
Instagram: @sam_saturn
Facebook: SamSaturnPhoto
Twitter: @Sam_Saturn_
“We met in an online fandom fourteen years ago, and cosplay has been a huge part of our lives ever since. Our first in-person meeting? At a con, in cosplay. Our wedding dresses? Sewn at home. Our biggest requirement while house hunting? A giant craft space (and room for the cats). "Marry a cosplayer" is a great mantra to have when your work ethic and goals happen to align really well. Cosplay is a passion and not a profession for the both of us, and most nights we'll head home from work only to sit down and begin working away at our next cosplays. Having another person to constantly keep you on point is probably the biggest reason we're as productive as we are - not to mention the added advantage of having a second person around to help you with fitting and problem solving.
The cosplay community was a different beast back in the 2000s, but around 2012 we both found ourselves bitten by the craftsmanship bug. We'd been cosplaying for so long, and now we wanted to push ourselves to see just what we could achieve. Ballgowns started cycling into our cosplans. With that under our belts, we wanted to try out armor builds. And then wigmaking. And then casting. And then electronics. Learning, teaching, and creativity is such a huge part of the cosplay process for us, and at this point nearly all of our cosplays either combine many construction techniques or include something brand new that we've never tried before. Picking up new techniques becomes even easier as a duo - often one of us will work on mastering something new before teaching it to the other person. We've both still got our individual edges - Scone has the higher quality drafting and sewing work, while Regan is the expert on wigs and electronics - but nearly all of our skills overlap to the point where we'll construct most of our cosplays individually, only occasionally handing off pieces to the other person for speed or expertise. While we each have slightly different aesthetics and preferences, we're both really passionate about creating interesting, intricate cosplays, and it's great to always have someone to spur you on to bigger and better things.”
-Cowbutt Crunchies
Photo Credit:
Sara Lynn Photography (Instagram: @saralynn_photo Facebook: SaraLynnStudio )
World of Gwendana (Instagram: @worldofgwendana / Facebook: worldofgwendana / Twitter: @worldofgwendana)
Alexandra Lee Studios (Instagram: @aleestudios / Facebook: Alexandraleestudios / Twitter: @ALeeStudios )
Muze Photography (Instagram: @muze / Facebook: muzephotoncosplay)
Alexandra Lee Studios (Instagram: @aleestudios / Facebook: Alexandraleestudios / Twitter: @ALeeStudios )
David Sohno (Instagram: @davidsohno / Twitter: @davidsohno / Facebook: sohnophotos)
Follow Cowbutt Crunchies on their social media
Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay Website:
Instagram: @cowbuttcrunchies
Facebook: cowbuttcrunchies
Twitter: @cowbuttcrunchie