Submissions Open: Time Machine Issue
Written by Aesthel
Cosplayer: Aesthel
Right Photo by: Emily Rey
This is issue number 50 of Cosplay Realm Magazine! we are so thankful that you all have brought us this far! For our Time Machine issue we want you to send us in your first cosplays and a cosplay that is your latest, favorite, or greatest cosplay! write to us about your cosplay journey from your first cosplay to now! What do you think about when looking back at some of those earliest cosplay memories? what has helped you get to where you are now?
SUBMISSIONS OPEN UNTIL: End of day May 1st, 2021
Want some more ideas for the types of content we’re looking to feature in this issue? This article outlines a few different submission ideas that you could send in to us this month!
Note: Generally we have image size/quality requirements for print in the magazine. In the case of this issue in particular for submissions like these- we will NOT be applying our normal image size requirements to the old photos! We know that many of our cosplay journeys go so far back that we do not have the best quality images of our start with cosplay!
Then & Now
Share cosplays from then & now! Do you have photos of some of your first ever cosplays? Sure they might be old, maybe they’re terrible quality or maybe they make you cringe with embarrassment. That’s the fun of it though! Like how we are reflecting on how far Cosplay Realm Magazine has come, we can all also look back at our own individual cosplay journeys and see how far we have each come too!
Cosplay Firsts
Maybe you don’t have photos of your FIRST cosplays, but what about some cosplay FIRSTS? Maybe you have photos of your first ever professional cosplay photoshoot, or the first time you traveled out of state for a convention. Or we could go even farther back- do you have photos from your first ever convention in general? What about your first time using a particular technique in cosplay- Show us your first time using body paint compared to how you use it now! Show us your first ever prop build!
Cosplay Journey
Tell us about your personal journey with cosplay! How did you first discover cosplay? What was the first character that you saw and realized you wanted to dress like them? What initially drew you to the world of cosplay? Tell us your origin story!!
Pride & Joy
Do you have a cosplay that really is your pride and joy? Something that you are filled with accomplishment every time you remember that YOU did THAT? A cosplay that you love to show off that you really feel is a shining example of your cosplay career? What about a cosplay that you once considered a “dream cosplay” that you FINALLY were able to do? We would love to see it! Tell us all about it! Why do you love this cosplay so much and what do you want others to know about it?
Feeling inspired by the ideas listed above? Have an idea that isn’t listed here? We’d love to see it! We are accepting submissions for this issue until the end of the day on May 1st 2021!
See the Submit tab of our website for more information on our submission requirements including credits and image size.
Please send all submissions to