Standing with the BLM movement: Cosplayers Against Racism
Written by Aesthel
The Cosplay Realm team stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and our Black cosplay & photography friends. In order to do our part, we are running a fundraiser through sales of these “Cosplayers Against Racism” tees. These exclusive tee shirts are available until June 15th on our Teespring and we are donating 100% of profits to the Black Lives Matter fundraiser. To show our support for the cause we have also temporarily taken down all of our other merch. Cosplay Realm will continue to do it’s part to share and feature Black cosplayers and creators through our platform.
You can pick up the exclusive BLM Fundraiser Tee on our Teespring, Here.
Or you can donate directly to the cause, Here!
Please be sure to do your part by signing petitions, protesting, donating if you can, and letting your voice be heard!
@CyFy_Cosplay wearing the “Cosplayers Against Racism” fundraiser tee