Interview with Artist Keikiiart; Creepy Cute Cryptids, Animal Crossing, Commissions, and More!

Interview Conducted by Aesthel

As many conventions are currently being cancelled or postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, artists and small businesses are some of those who are being most effected right now. Us here at Cosplay Realm want to do our part in supporting these artists, so today we are interviewing artist and small business owner Keikiiart!

Keikiiart is known for their creepy cute art and almost the 30 different Animal Crossing inspired items available in their Etsy shop!

Be sure to check out Keikiiart’s Etsy Shop to help support their work!

CRM: Hello Kelsey!! Can you please introduce yourself and KeikiiArt to the Cosplay Realm readers?

Keikiiart: My name is Kelsey but I commonly go by Keikii (or KeikiiArt) online & on my socials! I’ve been taking my art seriously (and selling it) for about 12 years now!

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CRM: In your shop people can find cute monster girls and cryptids! Can you tell us what interests you about these supernatural cuties?

Keikiiart: Ever since I was little I’ve always been super attracted to supernatural things. There was one time on a school trip we went to this island on Lake Erie and I saw ghosts there, it was super cool. Savannah, GA is the most haunted city in America which also makes it my favourite. I almost went to SCAD just because it’s in Savannah but I decided to go to a school in Ohio instead, haha.

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CRM: A while back you ran a Kickstarter for your Monster Girl Enamel Pins! What can you tell us about the behind the scenes of running a Kickstarter?

Keikiiart: OMG. Running Kickstarters are SO much work! My first Kickstarter I did was my most successful by far, and I really think it’s because I spent 2 full months planning and marketing it before launching it... I’m a very impulsive person so every Kickstarter since then has not had as much marketing done before hand, haha. There’s a lot people don’t take into account like the fact that the shipping money people pay counts towards the goal, and that Kickstarter also takes fees on that.

CRM: Recently you’ve made a bunch of adorable Animal Crossing items too! How long have you been into the Animal Crossing games for? What about these games has inspired you so much?

Keikiiart: I believe I started Animal Crossing in 2012 when I got my 3DS! It was my first console that wasn’t a hand me down and I don’t really remember if I asked for Animal Crossing or if my mom had picked that one over Mario but I’m happy I got it either way! It’s so soothing & comforting. I’m pretty sure that as of now (March 24th) I’ve def clocked in over 40 hours in New Horizons already, haha.

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CRM: Speaking of Animal Crossing, we’ve all been playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons basically nonstop since it came out! Can you tell us about your island in the game?

Keikiiart: At the moment my island is LITTERED with flowers, I’m trying really hard to get as many pink flowers as I can haha. It’s definitely something I’m planning to Rip & Tear ( ;3 ) it to the ground and move everything as soon as my town hall is built haha. I’ve been making tons of custom clothes and it’s making me want to make these clothes in real life but honestly, producing clothing is sooo expensive qwq

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CRM: Your shop has many different kinds of items including pins, 3D mouse pads, keychains, pouches, stickers, and more! What are some of your favorite types of items to produce? What are some of the hurdles that come with creating other types of items?

Keikiiart: One of the biggest reasons I even started doing this is because I feel like it’s just SO Cool for you to draw or create something and then to be able to physically hold it in your hand?? Like are you kidding me that’s amazing! I think some of my favourite items are actually my Barista Enamel Pins, I have over 30 designs of those but I think only 5 are listed on my regular etsy haha.

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CRM: One thing we found really unique about your shop was the clothing items that you sell! How does the design process for something made to wear differ from other kinds of art you produce?

Keikiiart: You really have to take space into account when creating clothing items. Before I list any clothing in my shop I always make sure to order a sample for myself to make sure the image is high res, the placement looks ok, nothing’s crooked, etc etc. It’s really hard sometimes haha. I did struggle a lot with the skater skirts before I listed them on my shop.

CRM: You also take commissions (including commissions for dakis/body pillows)! How does your commission process generally work? What have been some of your favorite commission projects that you’ve worked on in the past?

Keikiiart: Some of my favourite commissions to do are actually my Animal Crossing styled commissions! They’re simple & cute and as of late, they’re really the only artwork I get to bust out my copic markers for anymore haha. As far as the process goes , it’s pretty simple & streamlined! There’s a lot of time going back and forth with clients that I don’t think a lot of people realize. I like to get my clients’ okay at every step so I can make sure their artwork is perfect for them! Especially on traditional pieces where there is no ctrl+z.


CRM: You are one of the many artists that has felt the effects of convention cancellations due to the COVID-19 outbreak. What are some ways that Cosplay Realm readers can support you and fellow artists and creators like you?

Keikiiart: A like and a follow go a really long way! Sharing on Facebook, posting on your story, etc. It all helps! Commenting on posts or leaving reactions on Facebook also helps because it’ll “bump” posts up so that more people can see them :) Unfortunately, every show I had planned for spring has had to cancel. None of them rescheduled, so I can’t do them again until 2021. I will still be at Akaicon this July though as well as Cryptid Con in KY which I believe is also in July!

CRM: Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! Is there anything else you would like to say?

Keikiiart: I really appreciate how much compassion everyone is sharing & showing during this time! So many artists rely on conventions for their income and for it to be rocked as hard as it is this year really hurts. I’ve seen nothing but outpouring support & love for artists all over social media, including multiple Facebook groups & Twitter threads dedicated to artists who were meant to be vending at cancelled shows. Even Facebook groups I’m in where there’s a super hard NO SELF PROMOTION rule have been lifting that so that small artists could get the word out. It’s just been really cool to see everyone helping each other out so much :)

If you would like to apply to have your work included as a future artist feature, please email us at

In your email please include:

  • The name of your business

  • A few photo examples of your work

  • A short write up about who you are/what you do

  • Links to your shop and social media
